
Using a cartidge for filtering

Every swimming pool requires a filtration system that will ensure that the water in the pool in clean and fresh. There are three basic types of filtration systems: sand filters, diatomaceous earth filters and cartridge filters.

Recent research has shown that most Elk Grove swimming pool owners prefer cartridge filters for their swimming pool. The cartridge filters have several advantages over sand filters. The biggest advantage is that cartridges filter over a much larger surface area.

The majority of cartridge filters used for Elk Grove swimming pools starts at 100 square feet and continue up to 300 square feet. These swimming pool filters do not clog up as quickly and require to be cleaned much less frequently.

Elk Grove pool owners also prefer cartridge filters because they are inexpensive and easy to replace. Most of these filters have a life span of around 5 years. These filters are designed to run at lower pressure than sand. This in turn puts much less pressure on the swimming pool pump. Generally these filters have to be cleaned once or twice a season by hosing them down.

Diatomaceous earth filters are made from fossilized exoskeletons of tiny diatoms. These swimming pool filters are very effective and can be used to filter out particles as small as 5 microns. Once the filter pressure rises, the filter is backwashed just like a sand filter and can be recharged with more power.