
Soap Dispensers - Touch Me or Touch Free?

Soap Dispensers - Touch Me or Touch Free?

There are basically 2 types of soap dispensers found in public restrooms. Both are usually empty. One is the Manual pump type, which I will refer to as the "touch-me" dispenser and the other is the preferred "touch-free" or Automatic pump soap dispenser. You may have noticed that both types can be mounted - surface mount, recess mount or countertop and come in various reservoir styles - bulk, cartridge ,globe, tank or urn. Regardless of the type or style, they all do the same thing, i.e.; dispense antibacterial soap for prevention of sicknesses and diseases which are spread by unclean hands. Unfortunately every sort of germ, virus and microscopic creature known to man can be found in around and on the often slimy "manual" dispenser itself, since the hands that are needed to operate the manual pump were most recently wandering in personal places. On the other hand however, there is the automatic "touch-free" dispenser that allows you to operate the dispenser with only the shadow of your hand - due to an ingenious mechanism called a sensor. At long last and for the health of us all, automatic dispensers are finally becoming the standard. The next time you visit a restroom that still has the old manual soap and towel dispensers, please go to management and ask them to get with the health revolution and replace them with the sanitary "automatic soap dispensers". This goes for the manual towel dispensers also. Automatic paper towel dispensers or the forced-air hand dryer is much more sanitary, creates less rubbish, saves trees and is more economical. Which type soap dispenser and paper towel dispenser would you rather a kitchen worker use before preparing your next meal? If you are a contractor, builder, facility manager or business owner, please take note of the fact that employee sick leave = lost $), much of which is attributable to infectious diseases transmitted by hand, could be significantly reduced by the replacement of manual restroom accessories with the touch-free dispenser models which are now affordable and easy to install. Do us all a favor! Buy touch-free automatic soap dispensers and automatic towel dispensers and hand dryers for the health of us. Show your employees and customers that you have sanitation standards.