
Things to Consider Before Starting Penis Enlargement

Having to live with a small or average-sized penis is a nuisance that many men simply have to put up with for a long time, while, in sharp contrast to that, resorting to penis enlargement seems to be a decision taken on the spur of the moment. Release from the disagreeable burden is finally in sight and its small wonder that men simply jump at the opportunity. But is it always a good idea to rush in without considering the many things that can do and have a strong influence on the outcome of any and all penis enlargement programs?

First of all, you should keep in mind the fact that penis enlargement is bound to take a while regardless of which particular technique you choose. Whether its exercises, stretchers, pills, pumps, weights or patches, it is going to take at least a couple of weeks. And if you think that surgery is quick, think again. After surgery, your penis will need the same couple of weeks to heal and get back in shape. So before you bring out the credit card ask yourself if you feel ready to spend from a couple of weeks to a couple of months on penis enlargement.

The second thing you need to take into account is your current size. Many men think they are small when theyre just average. So you need to really think about your current size and your goals. The average penis size is around 5.5 inches and if you are that big it means that youre not underdeveloped or small by any means. Being pushed into penis enlargement by peer pressure or by a mistaken idea that you might be too small could undermine your commitment to success and spoil the chance of achieving your goal.

Goals are the third thing on the list. Most people dont realize that you must have a clearly defined goal youre trying to reach. The goal is the yardstick by which youll measure your success. Making penis enlargement an open-ended commitment, with no clear timetable or goals is almost a sure was to fail. As time passes, the will to stick to a program drops steadily and since there is no measurable progress most men come up with some excuse or other in order to call it quits and return to more pleasant activities that make time pass without getting in the way.

And this brings us to the final point on the list. Commitment is also a key to success and its always best to know yourself before everything else. If you have a habit of making decisions on the spur of the moment and not following up on them, then you probably are going to have a hard time sticking to penis enlargement as well. While a penis extender does the entire job itself and only needs to be strapped on and taken off, you still need the commitment to wear it for as long as it takes to achieve your goal.