
Baclofen Drug (Medication) Information

What is Baclofen and for what Baclofen is used?

Baclofenmedication belong to Skeletal muscle relaxant/Centrally acting class.

Baclofen may inhibit transmission of reflexes at spinal level, possibly by action (hyperpolarization) at primary afferent fiber terminals resulting in relief of muscle spasticity; has CNS depressant properties. Rapidly and extensively absorbed.

for what Baclofen is used

Oral: Therapy for trigeminal neuralgia (tic douloureux); tardive dyskinesia.
Intrathecal: Cerebral palsy spasticity in children.

How to Take Baclofen

Take Baclofen exactly as prescribed by health care provider. Baclofenis generally available in market in the form of Injection 3 mg/mL . Instruct patient before using Baclofen to take drug exactly as prescribed. If dose is missed it should be taken within 1 hr. Warn patient not to double up on doses. If there is not a substantive clinical response to increases in the daily dose, check for proper pump function and catheter patency. The daily maintenance of Baclofendose may be reduced 10% to 20% if patients experience side effects.

Dosage Instructions for BaclofenDrug

Oral: Treatment of reversible spasticity resulting from multiple sclerosis. May be of some value in patients with spinal cord injuries and other spinal cord diseases.
Intrathecal: Treatment of severe spasticity of spinal cord origin in patients who are unresponsive to or cannot tolerate oral baclofen therapy. Used intrathecally in single bolus test doses; chronic use requires implantable pump.

Contraindications for BaclofenDrug

Treatment of spasms from rheumatic disorders, stroke, cerebral palsy and Parkinson disease; use of intrathecal form via IV, IM, SC, or epidural routes.
Interactions of Baclofenw
ith other drugs

CNS depressants: May cause increased sedative effects.
Morphine (epidural): May cause hypotension and dyspnea.

What are the Side Effects of Baclofen -

Like other medicines, Baclofencan cause side effects. Some of the more common side effects of Baclofeninclude

* Hypotension; palpitations; chest pain.
* Drowsiness; weakness in lower extremities; dizziness;
* eizures; headache; numbness; euphoria; depression;
* onfusion; lethargy; insomnia; hallucinations; paresthesia;
* sthenia; anxiety; agitation.
* Pruritus; rash
* Tinnitus; blurred vision; taste disorder; nasal congestion.
* Nausea; vomiting; dry mouth; constipation; diarrhea; abdominal pain; anorexia
* Urinary frequency; enuresis; dysuria; impotence.
* Hypotonia; slurred speech; muscle pain; ankle edema; excessive perspiration; weight gain; back pain.
* Dyspnea; pneumonia; hypoventilation.

Warnings and precautions before taking Baclofen :

* Abrupt discontinuation has resulted in high fever, altered mental status, exaggerated rebound spasticity, and muscle rigidity that in rare cases advances to rhabdomyolysis, multiple organ system failure and death.
* The safety and efficay of Baclofen medicine have not been studied in children and adolescents.
* Give special attention to patients at apparent risk (eg, spinal cord injuries at T-6 or above, communication difficulties, history of withdrawal symptoms from oral or intrathecal baclofen.
* Advise women before using Baclofen to inform health care provider if pregnant, planning to become pregnant, or breastfeeding while taking Baclofen. Insulin is recommended to maintain blood glucose levels during pregnancy. Prolonged severe neonatal hypoglycemia can occur if sulfonylureas are administered at time of delivery.
* Warn patient before using Baclofen not to discontinue medication abruptly. Explain that hallucinations or seizures may occur.
* Instruct patient before using Baclofen to report the following symptoms to health care provider: dizziness, nausea, hypotension, urinary frequency, retention, painful urination, headache, seizures, weakness.

What if Overdose of Baclofen ?

If you think you or anyone else taken overdose of Baclofen, immediately telephone your doctor or contact your local or regional Poisons Information Centre Seek medical attention immediately. You may need urgent medical attention. Vomiting, muscular hypotonia, muscle twitching, drowsiness, accommodation disorders, coma, respiratory depression, seizures (oral); drowsiness, lightheadedness, dizziness, somnolence, respiratory depression, seizures (intrathecal) are may be the overdose symptoms of Baclofen.

What if Missed Dose of Baclofen?

If you miss a dose of Baclofenmedicine and you remember within an hour or so, take the dose immediately. If you do not remember until later, skip the dose you missed and go back to your regular schedule. Do not double doses.

Storage Conditions for Baclofen:

Store at room temperature in tightly closed container. Have resuscitation equipment available during trial drug period if intrathecal administration is considered. Patient must have positive response to trial of intrathecal medication before use of implantable pump.