
Gastric and duodenal ulcer treatments

The gastric and duodenal ulcer are known, in medical terms, as peptic ulcer. There are several treatments available for an ulcer. But there are things that your doctor must take into consideration before giving you an ulcer treatment.

In order to be more effective, the treatment for an ulcer will be given to you by your doctor considering:
- your age, what is your health state at the moment and your medical history;
- the extent of the ulcer is also very important;
- what medications you tolerate and what kind of procedures;
- your opinion is also asked for when giving you your ulcer treatment;

The main thing that doctors tell an ulcer patient is to change his/ her lifestyle. That means that if you have an ulcer, spicy foods and acidic foods must be avoided. If you have foods that you believe that increase the ulcer symptoms, you should try to avoid those as well. There has been shown that there isn' t a diet in particular that will help with the ulcer, but certain things should be avoided. Furthermore, smoking is very bad for ulcer. This habit dealys the healing of the ulcer and also increases the risk of recurrence in your ulcer. So it is best that you stop smoking if you have an ulcer. Besides these changes that you have to make regarding your style of life, you will also be given an ulcer treatment involving medications. There are several medication types thare are given to ulcer patients. There are medications called H2 blockers against ulcer. What these drugs do is reduce the amount of acid that your stomach produces. They block histamine, which are the most powerful stimulant of the secretion
of acid, which causes the ulcer. The pump inhibitors are also drugs used against an ulcer, which also block the production of acid in your body. To protect the walls from the acid, your body also produces a mucous substance, which can be distroyed by bacteria. To protect this coating and heal ulcer, there are medications called acid pump inhibitors. Because the main cause of an ulcer is a bacteria, when doctors give you an ulcer treatment, along with these medications they also prescribe antibiotics.

In almost all ulcer cases, with the help of this ulcer treatment, patients will heal very quickly. Furthermore, if given a proper ulcer treatment, the risk of recurrence is almost eradicated. However, there are cases of ulcer when the treatment does not work. For these ulcer cases and for those that develop some complications, the only solution available is surgery.